Tag: jesus

Archive, đź’Ž Diamond

Snuffleupagus: Big Bird’s Imaginary Friend

Back in 1971, on Season 3 of Sesame Street, Big Bird talked about his friend Snuffleupagus. His nickname was “Snuffy” and he was a wooly mammoth. He was big, brown, and furry. He was Big Bird’s best friend. The only problem was, nobody on Sesame Street could see Snuffy except […]

Archive, đź’Ž Diamond

The Sneeze of Salvation

“His sneezings flash forth light.” Job 41:18 How annoying is it when you have to sneeze but you just can’t get it out? It’s one of the worst things in the world. Isn’t it so frustrating? And when that sneeze finally comes out, isn’t it just wonderful? It’s such a […]

Archive, đź’Ž Diamond

Papa’s Pleasure

The ancients struggled to figure out why God created the world. They crafted stories of war between gods and other catastrophic tales of our origin. The Scriptures past down to us offer us something remarkably different. The book of Genesis tells us that each day when God made something new, […]

Archive, đź’Ž Diamond

Why Do We Struggle to Experience God?

We struggle to find God because we look for a God who isn’t infinitely rejoicing in us.   God is the fullness of joy. He exists in infinite happiness in the fellowship of the Trinity. As Miester Eckhart said, “In the heart of the Trinity the Father laughs and gives […]

Archive, đź’Ž Diamond

Perfect Happiness

For by one sacrifice He has made perfect for all time those who are sanctified. Hebrews 10:14 1600 years ago Augustine wrote, “Every man, whatsoever his condition, desires to be happy.” The pursuit of happiness runs through all of us, we can’t escape it. The gospel has everything to do […]

The New Bus - Elisha's Riddle
Archive, 🚌 New Bus

The Ultimate Prophetic Word (and the end of the smartphone)

This week… The ultimate prophetic word from God and a follow-up on technology regarding the end of smartphones . . . God’s prophetic word Here’s a prophetic word for you… I feel like God is saying…. I’m just getting this picture…. Of Christ and Him crucified…. And I feel like…. […]

Archive, 🚌 New Bus

A Cold Civil War Pt. 2

Part Two – Roadmaps & Freedom   If you missed the first part of this series, click here… Last week, we introduced the concept of a “Cold Civil War” by discussing some of the division within our nation and the need for a greater dialogue and a greater sense of […]