Tag: happiness

Archive, đź’Ž Diamond

You Are a Gift From God to God

What is humility? Humility is accepting the truth that God reveals. What is false humility? False humility is being so “humble” that you reject that free gift of God’s grace. A good picture of false humility is Peter telling Jesus not to wash his feet. You can imagine that this […]

Archive, đź’Ž Diamond

Why Do We Struggle to Experience God?

We struggle to find God because we look for a God who isn’t infinitely rejoicing in us.   God is the fullness of joy. He exists in infinite happiness in the fellowship of the Trinity. As Miester Eckhart said, “In the heart of the Trinity the Father laughs and gives […]

Archive, đź’Ž Diamond

Perfect Happiness

For by one sacrifice He has made perfect for all time those who are sanctified. Hebrews 10:14 1600 years ago Augustine wrote, “Every man, whatsoever his condition, desires to be happy.” The pursuit of happiness runs through all of us, we can’t escape it. The gospel has everything to do […]