Solar Reflections
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Solar Reflections

This week . . . a spiritual message behind last week’s total solar eclipse.


To the people of the ancient world, including the Hebrews and the early church, solar eclipses and other natural phenomena often triggered thoughts of divine omens and messages. Today, there are two extremes in response to these “heavenly signs.” One is that of skepticism–even amongst people of faith who believe that such things are superstitious and have no biblical backing. The other extreme are people who obsess over these signs, and often attach doom-and-gloom connotations to their arrival.

We’re going to avoid both pitfalls.

First of all, anybody who reads the Bible honestly should pick up on the fact that God does indeed speak through heavenly signs. Look no further than the arrival of Christ. Most biblical scholars believe the star of Bethlehem was an alignment of different planets and stars. God has positioned the earth in just the right place to view certain things happening in the sky in such a way that He can communicate to us through them. (Months back, we talked about the approaching August 21 eclipse on a previous New Bus article, and mentioned how the moon’s position in the sky is so perfectly placed as to allow for eclipses to happen in the first place. The simple science of it is actually amazing…miraculous even.)

God does speak through heavenly signs. However, His voice is always aligned with the perfect work of Christ. Everything He says lines up with the revelation of Christ and Him crucified. With that said, doom-and-gloom has faded with the arrival of the Messiah–and you can read the first verse of Isaiah 9 if you don’t believe that.

As of now, there are only words of hope and life radiating from the heavens. Even if there are “warnings,” these are not from the cracking whip of an angry deity in the sky. Rather, they are the urgings of a Father who wants to bring the utmost protection and care to His children. God is never the author of death. Someone else has that job description.


So what about this particular astronomical event? You can bet that God has something to say when so many people are tuning in and listening. And even if they have ears and do not hear, the voice of heaven is still calling out. Here on the New Bus, we simply want to offer some interpretation to the language of this heavenly celestial dance.

This total solar eclipse – the first one in a century to go across the entire United States – is one filled with great meaning and significance. It was a “total” eclipse of the sun, which obviously speaks of totality and completeness. It is no coincidence that this is happening the Hebraic year of 5777, which is a number that carries immense significance as well. 7 is the number of completion and the three of them together brings a serious emphasis on this.


But more than that, the sign points us to two different images, both of which represent two different things. The sun is the easy image to figure out… it points us to the Son of God, the One who is the true Light of the world. This is why we use the word “sign.” A sign points to something or Somebody else. (The problem with things like astrology is that people end up worshipping the signs instead of the Sign-Giver… Imagine a group of people sitting around and marveling at a Disney World sign outside the park, but never actually entering into the park and enjoying it. That’s astrology.)

The moon is a little more subtle, but a very powerful sign as well. The moon reflects the sun… It is actually symbol for the church, the Bride of Christ. The church is called to reflect the light of the Son of God and shine it out into the present night season of the earth; a season of deception and darkness (just like the moon reflects the sun in the midst of the night). Pagan traditions have rightfully characterized a feminine dimension to the moon, but have often missed it’s connection to the bride of Christ.

So here’s the message, or at least a big part of it: The moon coming into perfect alignment with the sun, before the eyes of the watching world, is actually one of the most positive “heavenly signs” there is… It is pointing to the church coming into alignment with Jesus like never before. It will be such an alignment that the earth will take great notice. Moreover, a lot of this will begin with the church in America and spread outward from there.


All of this is a picture of an ancient prophecy from the Song of Solomon, which shows a day coming when the people of the world will look upon the Bride of Christ and proclaim the following:

“Who is this who grows like the dawn, as beautiful as the full moon, as pure as the sun…”
(Song of Solomon 6:10)

In this passage, the Bride of Jesus is being compared to both the full moon and the sun, because, like the moon, she is a reflection of the Son, but she is also one with the Son. Thus, she is truly as “pure as the sun” Himself. As He is, so are we in this world. 

In this year of fullness and completion, get ready for a revelation of union, perfection, and alignment to overflow into the church. This will be the beginning of many great and wondrous things…



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