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Reverse Ageing and a Special Christmas Miracle

This week…

Merry Christmas! We’re sending out the New Bus a little early in light of the upcoming busy weekend. This issue covers some fascinating news about genetics, A.I.-assisted rapping, and an amazing Christmas miracle.

Reversing the Process of Ageing 

Recent news from geneticists in California reveals fresh insights about the ageing process, as well as the possibility of reversing it. Building on previous knowledge of a “genetic clock” within our DNA that causes our bodies to begin to deteriorate at a certain point (which also causes some people to age faster than others), a team of researchers have discovered new possibilities of reversing this process. In fact, studies have been done on mice where scientists have shown the ability to “rewind” the clock on certain cells, causing weakening ones to turn healthy. They believe clinical trials of these same essential procedures can be done on humans within the next 10 years.

While there are certainly many valid concerns in spiritual communities about science messing with the genes God has given us — there are unfortunately many invalid (and quite religious) mindsets that believe God wants us to age and die. Such people will usually quote Genesis saying that God gave us a 120 year time limit and we’re not allowed to cross it…even though people lived longer than 120 years after that Scripture. (In all likelihood, God was referring to 120 years before the flood would come. So the construction of the Ark was a multigenerational work.)

Any-who….aging and death are part of the curse. When Jesus arrived on the scene, He didn’t endorse a single aspect of the curse….including death. His work of making death a footstool under His feet continues to this day. Praise God when diseases are cured supernaturally. But God works through the medical community as well! In fact, I’d venture to say that these geneticists are on the same team as Jesus! Can I get an A-Men-o acid?

A.I. writing songs and fighting hackers

Ok, so it’s hard to give a positive, hopeful, prophetic spin on Artificial Intelligence when most people think of Skynet, the Matrix, and other robot-apocalypse scenarios when this is brought up. However, let’s realize that robotic replication of another being is impossible, because ones and zeroes will never create spirit and soul.

That being said, the progress of literal intelligence and analysis is drastically speeding up and this is probably something we will often report on, because such technology will be some of the biggest news of the future. We won’t wrestle with the philosophical undertones here. All we’ll say is that more intelligent computers are being built and some of them are starting to learn how to encrypt files on their own and others are assisting music artists in creating amazing songs.

While these scenarios aren’t true A.I., the capabiltiies of these computers are light years beyond anything imaginable in the 1980s. One can only imagine where things are headed in the next few decades!

A Christmas miracle

In other amazing and glorious news, this week we want to report that…

…God became a man.

Yes, this is news that has been reported quite a few times over the last two millennia, and you’ve probably heard it before (especially if you’re riding this crazy new bus with us). HOWEVER, we felt it important to report it once more (and we’ll probably do it again).

This is news that does not get old. And yet, we do have the tendency to lose the awe and wonder of this mystery. We can sing and talk about it and yet fail to truly think about it and soak in the craziness and beauty of this event. Or, worse, we can get so busy fighting over the right to say “Merry Christmas” or over having a Nativity scene in front of Town Hall, instead of basking in the wonder of the Nativity and letting that change how we treat our local community the other 11 months out of the year. (I have other news for you: People can take the Nativity Scene out of Town Hall, but they can’t take Town Hall out of the Nativity Scene! Jesus united Himself with ALL creation in the incarnation, including your white chapel on the hill, the decaying parks and rec building down the road, your mother-in-law’s house, and your left hand. God’s glory fills all things).

So this Christmas, let’s ask the Father to enhance our perception of the miraculous wonder of the incarnation… God Himself, the Creator of the Cosmos, was born into this world as a Man so that He might fully unite His heart and His life with ours…


And Merry Christmas.

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