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A Wigglesworth Prophecy & the Inauguration

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This week…

Two different and yet interconnected articles… Since we’ve all been saturated with news surrounding the presidential inauguration, we didn’t want to shy away from that. We also share some more thoughts on the “grace and glory” movement that will sweep the earth.

Grace, glory, and unity: part three

Last week we discussed the coming unity between the “grace movement” and the “glory movement.” These are very broad terms that include a lot, but it pretty much comes down to those who are awakening to the effortless grace of Jesus and His work on behalf of ALL humanity (and the simplicity that flows out of that). This is what we mean by “grace movement,” for lack of a better term… Then, the “glory movement” speaks of the continuing thread of revivalism connected to different charismatic movements, including Asuza Street and beyond.

Smith Wigglesworth, a famous revivalist from the turn of the 20th century gave an important prophecy upon his deathbed that many people believe is a true word from heaven. He declared that the greatest revival to ever hit the earth would come when a “movement of the Spirit” merged with a “movement of the Word.”

Now many people have interpreted this to mean that when good Bible teaching merges with good teaching on the gifts and power of the Spirit, then revival will come. But that it is not the ultimate picture that this prophecy is painting…

The movement of the Spirit speaks of God’s presence, power, and love.  But the movement of the “Word” is not *just* about the Bible. It’s about the One the Bible points to: Jesus Christ and His work as the slain Lamb. When the revelation of Christ’s finished work merges with the presence/power-driven movements of the church, the greatest manifestation of spiritual change will begin to sweep the earth. We believe these are the days we are headed into; and we specifically feel that the rest of this decade will bring an acceleration of the two movements like never before.

We submit this to our readers to discern for yourself and to ask Jesus about. And please always feel free to share any insights you might have!

The true inauguration

I (Nick speaking) have the joy of developing a new curriculum for Christian “discipleship” that is rooted in the finished work of the cross. Last week, I completed the first session which is about the Kingdom of God and how it was “inaugurated” at the cross of Jesus. In other words, Jesus took His seat as the rightful King of the earth when he was “lifted up” (the Greek word for that is “exalted“) upon the Mercy Seat of Calvary. This act revealed His eternal nature as the mighty Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. His Kingdom of cross-like love and power was released at that very moment and it is now fully present with us through faith and love. All discipleship begins and ends there.

All last week I was having a difficult time finishing this session until it finally started to come together on Friday afternoon, a little past noontime. What’s crazy is that I did not realize at first that at the same time I was finishing this teaching on the “inauguration” of the Kingdom that the noontime presidential inauguration was also being completed! Strange coincidence… or was it?

Here are some thoughts I’d like to submit to everyone reading this…

This is a very difficult and divided time for our nation. There is both intense excitement and deep anger from both sides of the table regarding what transpired last Friday in Washington D.C… There are those who believe the worst times are upon America while others believe the exact opposite.

Let’s first talk about God’s Kingdom a little bit more: 2000 years ago, Christ was crucified on a Friday. At noontime, darkness covered the land. It was during this whole time that the triumphant Lamb took back the reign of the earth and His Kingdom was fully inaugurated. But you would have needed the eyes of your heart opened in order to see it….because at noontime 2000 years ago, the darkness of man’s empires of religion and politics seemed to have had the victory over Christ. But this was not the case at all.

Now let’s talk about current events: On one side of the table in America, many people fear that a man-centered, nationalistic, empire spirit is advancing through Trump’s administration… On the other side of the table, there are those who feel that God’s Kingdom is advancing because an anti-abortion, pro-Israel candidate was inaugurated. But many of these same people are distraught by what they feel is a great darkness in how the world is reacting in hostility against their candidate. So some are seeing darkness at the presidential podium while others are seeing darkness in the surrounding streets where protests were occurring.

Listen carefully. Whatever side of the table you are on, please know that a higher and deeper Kingdom is advancing even in the midst of darkness. We’re not here to argue the points on which view is correct. If you want to do that, log onto Facebook. I’m sure your blood pressure won’t mind a few more notches of elevation as you engage in a meme battle or two.

We’re here to say that though there are different sides of the table, the same food is available to all…and it the food of fellowship, humility, and a deeper revelation of the cross of Jesus. No matter what darkness you feel surrounded Friday’s inauguration, the reign of Jesus is advancing and He is opening our eyes to a Kingdom that is ALREADY present. A Kingdom of unspeakable peace. For just as the Grace and Glory are merging (and are already one), there will also be a healing and merging within the U.S. as this decade draws to a close. And so that is another word we want submit to our readers as well…

DISCLAIMER: I don’t want a single reader to misinterpret this article and think that I’m comparing Donald Trump to Jesus Christ by their coinciding “inaugurations.” I don’t even think the executive Board at the Billy Graham Association would make that claim (though some might make me wonder). This article is about the irony of me unknowingly completing a Kingdom inauguration teaching at the moment our nation’s president was inaugurated….and the bigger picture behind all of it. Thank you — end of disclaimer 🙂 

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